B4J – The simplest way to develop cross platform, desktop, server and web applications!
B4J is a 100% free development tool, similar to B4A that generates desktop, server and web applications.
B4J follows the same concepts of B4A and B4i, providing a simple and powerful development tool.
The compiled apps can run on Windows, Mac, Linux and ARM boards (such as Raspberry Pi).
1. Install Java JDK v8 and JavaFX Scene Builder:
- Open the Java 8 JDK download link.
- Check the Accept License Agreement button.
- Select “Windows x86” or “Windows x64” (for 64 bit machines) in the platforms list.
- Download the file and install it.
- Download and install JavaFX Scene Builder 1.1 or 2.0
2. Install Microsoft .Net Framework 4+:
- Windows Vista+: .Net Framework 4.5.2.
- Windows XP: .Net Framework 4.0.
3. Install and Configure B4J:
- Download B4J Full Version
- Open B4J.
- Choose Tools > Configure Paths.
- Use the Browse button to locate “javac.exe”.
javac is located under <java folder>\bin.
- Use the Browse button to locate “javac.exe”.
- Document index
- Tutorials List
- B4J forum
- What is B4J ?
- UI App (JavaFX) Tutorial
- Working with JavaFX Scene Builder
- Working with files
- Nodes / Views / Controls – Tips
- B4J tutorial for Basic4android developers
- Web Apps Overview
- B4J and Raspberry Pi boards